Meet us in Gothenburg!

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Are you coming to Gothenburg this weekend? Planning to come to Auktionsverket Kulturarena? And perhaps visit the west coast's finest guitar show? If so, we'll see you there!

Oscar Guitars has of course brought some goodies from the collection, feel free to email us if you want us to bring something in particular.

Do you have something to sell? Alright, we are ready to make a deal while we're there. We Buy Guitars.

And together with us, as usual, Örjan's Junk Deals is exhibiting tons of odd guitar parts, don't miss this!

The fair is open Saturday 10-18 and Sunday 10-15, more info on their website:

There's something special about guitar shows, we've visited hundreds over the years and you still get excited every time, you never know what you're going to see or hear when all the wonderful nerds gather in the same place. Happy faces, tons of cool stories, friendship, music and loads of cool guitars.

Oh, can't wait..!

/Oscar, Örjan and Per

Categories: Vintage

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